Positive Play Support Programme

Positive play is a unique programme that helps children through play and has developed from a relatively small Derbyshire based scheme into a significant UK wide programme supporting infants and teenagers from all kinds of backgrounds, with all kinds of needs.

From youngsters struggling with low self-esteem to older children coping with family break down and emotional turmoil, the Positive Play Support Programme has helped hundreds of families.

Initially designed to help those with low esteem or emotional or behavioural problems, the Positive Play Support Programme can be found in towns and rural districts, 'deprived' and affluent areas, in a variety of settings.

Continually evolving and adapting to meet the huge demand for its expertise and resources, the Positive Play Support Programme has now moved to larger premises. This new Centre of Excellence is testimony to the hard work and tenacity of its founders. To make an appointment for a visit to the Centre or for further information about Positive Play contact Pam Swanwick or Sharon Brown.

To accommodate increased demand for age-appropriate resources to use as part of a Positive Play Support Programme or to enhance Positive Play, Rompa® has grown its Positive Play resources accordingly. These Quality Saver Packs complement each other and can be used independently or together.

A phenomenal success!

  • Increasingly used by Behaviour Support Services in England and Wales
  • Implemented in 98% of all secondary schools in Derbyshire and in the vast majority of primary schools
  • Widely recognised as synonymous with good practice
  • Now piloting projects in Children’s Centres to support out of school needs
  • Successfully applied in many non-academic settings including Women’s Refuges, Social Services and Health Services facilities
  • Continuing to promote intervention and prevention and so avoid exclusions
Start Your Journey

Girl at play


Here is just a small selection of the positive feedback received about the programme from teachers and pupils:

A truly magical experience. A wonderful safe environment to grow and heal. We love everything available especially the lighting and touchy feely activities. Carry on the excellent work and touch the lives of the ones who need us!

We have been running the programme for many years with a great deal of success. The programme has been very useful in helping children deal with any problems that are preventing them from accessing the curriculum fully. All the staff and head teacher are behind this programme and continue to use it to help in any way we can to aid our children.

It is now hard to imagine life in school without the ‘Positive Play Support Programme’! We have created a special room for special people and the results have been almost entirely positive. For a small group of students the programme offers so much benefit. Our room offers a quiet place to think, to grow, to reflect and to raise self-esteem.

I think I have progressed better at speaking to people. I think Positive Play has helped me to speak to some of my class friends and helped me to enjoy school a bit more. I think Positive Play is good but I would like it if it could be on every day because then I would like going to school.

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Positive play team

Further information

For further information about the Positive Play Support Programme please contact:

Pam Swanwick or Sharon Brown

The Positive Play Support Programme Base
Pilsley Road
S45 9BN

Telephone & Fax: 01246 862 854

Email: [email protected]

Older Adults, Goyt Side Road, Chesterfield S40 2PH | VAT Reg No. GB 814513257 | Company No. 04011415
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